What I'm Reading

Growing up, I always heard folks associate smart people with reading books. Well, the books these "smart people" read may not be the same as mine, but I still firmly believe that reading (and listening to) books has benefited my life in multiple ways. It's helped me build strong bonds with other readers (starting with my mom and sisters reading Harry Potter together), and it's boosted my creativity and writing skills.
If you're looking for new books to read, try taking a look at the books I've been reading. Most of them will be fantasy or sci-fi, but there are one or two non-fiction gems in there. Feel free to ask me my opinions if you see a book you think you might like, and if you have any suggestions, please let me know!
I've linked GoodReads and StoryGraph below. GoodReads admittedly has a better UI, but StoryGraph captures much more detail and charts reading preferences and behavior over time.